Any time you want to construct, modify, remove, or significantly repair a rooftop deck.
Whenever you want to build a new fence.
Whenever you intend to construct, widen, remove or alter any driveway or cut curbs.
If you are researching a property and would like any information on previous permits, citations, building plans, inspection notes, certificates of completion, occupancy, reports, or anything else
Most building permits are valid for a period of 6 months, if your permit expires and work has not yet been completed, you can apply for an extension.
Required for exceeding the allowable noise levels.
When you want to excavate a basement to lower the floor or achieve higher ceilings.
Anytime you occupy, use or engage in any activity in a public right-of-way (street or sidewalk)
A parking permit is required for parking in residential zones.
If you decide to fire the contractor whose license number was used to acquire the original permit.
File Permit Complaint in Baltimore City
if you see someone working without a permit and you want to turn them in.
How do (special) inspections work in Baltimore City
What are the noisy and quite hours in Baltimore City and what are the noise limits.
When are moving truck permits required in Baltimore City, How to apply, how much do they cost, and how long do they take to get approved.
Use this tool to calculate the cost of a building permit in Baltimore City.
When you need to close out a permit that expired a while ago without you knowing.
What is ePermits, plus the 5 easy steps to navigating ePermits.
What is ePlans, plus the 5 easy steps to navigating ePlans.
Do not even start planning a bathroom remodel without reviewing this page.
Baltimore City Permit Guides
These guides are designed to tell you:
1. When is this permit required
2. What is required to obtain this permit
3. How long it will take to obtain this permit
4. How much will this permit cost
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