Residential Fence Permits
When are fence permits required
What do you need in order to apply for a fence permit
How much do fence permits cost
How to apply for fence permits
How long do fence permits take to get approved
And more!
When is this permit required?
Whenever you want to build a new fence
Examples: Fence to enclose your backyard or front yard
General Criteria for Approval:
Fences in the front yard can be no more than 3.5 feet tall
Fences in the rear or side yard can be no more than 6 feet tall
Must be built on the property of the owner of the fence, or if the owners of adjoining property agree to build a fence on the property line between them, they may do so if they both submit a written statement of their agreement with the permit application
Fences may be built of any material or construction that is permitted in the Code for exposed structures (wood, metal, wire, masonry, vinyl). However, all fences must be designed and constructed, in accordance with the applicable structural provisions of the Code, to resist from any direction a horizontal force of 20 pounds per square foot, applied normal to and over either the gross area of the fence or the net area of the fence plus 50% of the gross area, whichever is less.
Recommended/Required Supporting Documents:
Site plan drawn by a licensed engineer
Drawn to scale
Show to scale the size and location of new construction and existing structures on the site
Show distances from lot lines, the established street grades, and the proposed finished grades
Show, as applicable, Regulated Flood Hazard Areas, Floodways, and flood protection elevations.
Must be drawn in accordance with an accurate boundary line survey
$150 Application Fee
$10 per 100 linear feet of fence
How to Apply:
Make an account on epermits:
Log onto your account:
Click “add application”
For the permit category, select: “Residential: Interior/exterior alterations(or demolition) (drawings to scale may be required)”
Complete the online permit application and include all supporting documents as attachments and submit.
Approval Timeline:
Over 98% of permit applications submitted with plans are reviewed in less than 30 days.
Department Contact Info:
Baltimore City Department of Housing & Community Development
Phone: 443-984-1809
Additional Information:
Every fence must be maintained in good repair by its owner. The Building Official may determine the sufficiency of any fence and the amount and character of repairs required to make it safe.
Any existing fence that was compliant when erected but does not comply with the requirements of this § 3118 is permitted to continue to exist and be repaired at any time, unless the fence has deteriorated more than 50%. All nonconforming fences that have deteriorated more than 50% or beyond repair must be removed or reconstructed in accordance with the requirements of the Building Code.
Electric fences are only allowed in commercial zones
Razor wire is not allowed anywhere on fences
No fence may have any projecting sharp points, jagged edges, or other projections that can injure persons or animals coming in contact with the fence.
No fence less than 3 feet 6 inches (1.07 m) high may have any sharp pickets or vertical pointed objects at the top. Barbed wire or other approved retarding material or construction may be placed on the top of any fence that is more than 6 feet 9 inches (2.06 m) high, unless the barbed wire or other retarding material will create a highly hazardous condition.
Wire fences must be constructed with wire mesh substantially fabricated and constructed so as to resist a nominal horizontal load of 500 pounds without deflecting more than 6 inches (152 mm). The posts for wire fences must be metal posts set in concrete, properly designed masonry posts, or wood posts of the type required for wood fences.
Metal fences must be of a substantial design and construction approved by the Building Official. The posts for metal fences must be concrete, masonry, or metal set in concrete or masonry.
Masonry fences must be of reinforced concrete or other masonry and must be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements governing reinforced concrete or freestanding masonry walls. All masonry fences must extend at least 2 feet (0.61 m) into the ground.
Fences that consist of 2 or more kinds of materials may be built as long as all applicable requirements of this Code for those materials and construction are met. The total aggregate height of a combination fence must be used in determining the height limitations for that fence.
The posts for wood fences must be:
locust, heart cedar, or any other wood that will resist decay underground
any wood that has been treated in accordance with this Code, or
any good timber set in concrete.